Chris K.

Howdy! šŸ‘‹

I'm Chris. Iā€™m an airline Captain and Line Check Airman (a.k.a. Line Check Pilot) based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

I grew up in sunny Southern California. In 2013, just out of high school, I became a licensed pilot and moved to Indiana to attend Purdue University. I remained there, building flight experience, until 2018 when I made the short move to Ohio to begin my airline career. In 2020, refusing to endure one more winter in the Midwest, I fled south to North Carolina. A year later, I completed the upgrade process to officially become a Captain. A year after that, a Line Check Airman. Additionally, I now lead the mentorship programs for both Cadets and Direct-Entry Captains at my company.

Spending time in cities (large and small) all around America ā€” especially during the Coronavirus pandemic ā€” led me to become deeply interested in how we design our built environment, as well as how we each play a role in cultivating a community worth living in. I'm now an active participant in the award-winning Charlotte Urbanists organization. In August 2023, I was honored to be a panelist in a Strong Towns Crash Analysis Studio analyzing a crash in the Charlotte area. Occasionally, I volunteer for Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation by removing invasive plants and planting natives at my local park.

I've started several aspirational blogs over the years, all of which have been lost to the sands of time. But I realize the importance of having a home on the web for my writing, both as an exercise of self-reflection and as a channel for my friends and family to keep up-to-date. As such, I've created one more blog ā€” which I call my archive ā€” that I hope will prove to be a lasting record of my life. It's also where I share what I'm doing today.

In my free time, I like to go on walks, hikes, and bike rides, during which I'll carry my camera and practice photography. As of 2020, I've proudly shot exclusively on Leica equipment.

Please feel free to reach out anytime.